Monday, February 27, 2012

Meatless???? You have to be kidding!!!!

I had heard about people having cravings while pregnant, and even kind of expected a few food aversions while I am pregnant.  But I had never heard of anyone being pregnant and not being able to eat hardly anything in the way of meat, however low and behold the Minion is keeping me from some of my most favourite foods.  I haven't been able to enjoy a good steak or pork chop in about 2 months and as for sandwiches, if it has meat on it forget about it.  This child, this blessing growing inside me is giving me fits just about every time I eat meat (or even smell it sometimes).  It is very hard for a gal who is used to eating her meat and potatoes to all of a sudden have to find alternatives to getting her protein and give up her cow and pig.  I am slowly figuring out other things I can eat, such as Campbell's Cheddar and Bacon Potato Soup.  The bacon pieces in that are just small enough that they sneak past the Minion I believe.  Life has been an adventure and even with this little hiccup of not being able to eat meat much I wouldn't want to miss a moment of this pregnancy.  God has truly blessed me.

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