Monday, April 16, 2012

20 Week Ultrasound

Well the day finally arrived.  Today we find out whether or not the Minion is a BOY or a GIRL.  For someone who wasn't sure she wanted to know the gender before giving birth, I sure woke up an extra hour early today.  Spent all morning constantly checking the time to see if it was time to leave for the Base Hospital yet.  Yes we did decide to find out the gender.  And after what seemed forever.  The tech at Radiology got us into the ultrasound room and started gathering the data on my uterus and the baby.  Lots of ultrasound pictures later, he had me clean up the goop/gel stuff while he went and talked to the Radiologist.  We still didn't at this point know BOY or GIRL.  It seemed like it was taking FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!  He finally came back into the room and re-gooped/gelled my belly and started showing us the different parts of the baby, the spine, head, heart, arm, hand, butt, leg, foot....Then the baby didn't want to cooperate.  Trust my child to be difficult.  We finally got a decent look at her and he told us that he was fairly certain we are having a GIRL!!!!!  Guess it will be a blue, pink and lavendar room instead of a just a blue room like it is now.

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