Saturday, April 21, 2012

Patience....what is that?

I know that back before I was ever medicated (pre-2005) I had little to no patience when dealing with most of the people around me.  Since getting pregnant and being taken off ALL my medications I am starting to notice that my patience is as low if not lower than it was back in those days.  Now I have heard that as you get older you get less tolerant of stupidity, but I don't think that is entirely my problem.  I think that my problem is a combination of being un-medicated and pregnant.  Let me share a couple recent examples of my lack of patience or understanding.

I am to the point of wanting to just go to my husband's shop and yell at someone higher than he is.  in the last 2 weeks my husband has worked approximately 150 hours.  Yes, 150 hours in only 12 days.  While I have a deep seated respect for the men and women of the USAF, I am thinking what moronic idiot thinks that my husband isn't needed at home.  I am currently 21 weeks pregnant so during that 2 week period I was in weeks 19 and 20 so not exactly un-pregnant.  Anyone who knows anything about me would know right off looking at me that I am pregnant.  I am to the point that I can only see my toes when looking down at my feet from a standing position (without bending forward at all).  I am not allowed to wear my back brace to help me lift things around the house because it would compress on my baby too much.  My husband and my mother have pretty much banned me from lifting anything heavier than a ream of paper.  When my husband works so many hours how is anything supposed to get done around the house?  According to my husband and my mother I can't lift the dog food if I run out of food in the container in the house, how do I feed my dog?  Laundry baskets can be much heavier than a ream of paper so how am I supposed to do laundry?  I feel like the military is forgetting that without the military family there would be a definite decrease in military members because a lot of the current military is a product of a military family. 

When the cable/internet service went out today, I did what I usually do.   I called Windjammer Cable to see what was going on.  First problem with this...the 45 minutes on hold waiting to talk to a representative.  That wait alone got me more and more angry with the company, as if I wasn't mad enough to start with.  This was the 2nd outtage in the month of April and the 5th outtage this year alone (minimum of 1 a month since start of 2012).  I DO NOT feel that I should have to call the cable/internet company EVERY month to straighten out my internet/cable issues.  The next problem I had with them was after I FINALLY got a real person she was such an idiot that she couldn't even understand my last name after I spelled it for her twice.  What is so hard about W-E-S-T-C-O-T-T?  Then when my husband took my cell phone from me she asked him to spell it yet again....can we say MORON????  Then I guess she asked my husband for the phone number on the account and he rattled off his phone number, NOT ONCE, NOT TWICE but 3 times before she got it right...really starting to wonder where they get the people who answer service calls.  She actually got the address right I guess didn't hear him repeat it to her after he said it the first time.  Then she had the audacity to ask him for his SSN.  There have been several times that I have called and they were able to help out without us giving them a SSN number.  I always thought that giving out your SSN was an open invitation for identity theft.  Then I heard my husband ask for her supervisor and he was put on hold for over 1/2 an hour.  HOLY MOLY!!!!  I am ready to spit nails at the cable company Monday morning when the office opens up. 

A year ago neither of these situations would have caused me to get as upset as I did.  I mean I actually yelled at the lady on the phone from the cable office and called her a B****.  I also told her to do her D*** job.  I felt bad afterwards for doing it but felt justified at the time.  How do I regain or obtain some patience?  I don't wanna yell at people like that.


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